Friday, May 31, 2013

On the road to the FIFA world cup 2014 in Brazil : Caxirola and Carlinhos Brown

the top 4 images of the master of the caxirola : Mr Carlinhos Brown himself

Image #4 :
Image #3 :

Image #2 :

Image #1 :


Stock of cairola on sale

Now that the caxirola is banned from stadium, what are they going to do with all the stock of caxirolas already manufactured? Any discount to come soon? Sell on ebay? Regrind and recycle the plastic?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

A new design for the caxirola?

Now that the caxirola is banned from stadium, what is next? A new design more fun and more peaceful?  From the same design team? it could be fun again!
Caxirola, the biggest merchandising failure ever? Soon to be a case study in the top ranked MBAs?

NB: If you really, really, really are very rich and don't know what to do with your money and want to make a gift for your worst enemy then you can sometimes find and buy second hand caxirola at

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

After the ban from stadium, is the caxirola project in big trouble?

Is it the end of the caxirola? Will The Marketing Store take the risk to keep on the production?
After so much money already spent in bribery, marketing and production, is it still time and possible to stop? So many questions not answered yet for the future of caxirola.

The top 5 caxirolas image of the day are here :

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Some may loose their job soon. Caxirola : the biggest merchandising disaster in the history?

Ditto JR, Dilma Roussef and Carlinhos Brown can be very proud of themselves: thanks to their caxirolas stupid and ugly creation with its grenade like design it's now all instruments that are banned by FIFA in the stadium in Brazil! 

This is where too much money and corruption leads: the worst merchandising product ever invented.  Only concentrating on money and profits they forgot to spend time on what should be the new vuvuzela : simple, fun, color and peaceful!

Some may loose their job soon!

Flagpoles and musical instruments, such as the controversial caxirola are banned in stadiums for Brazil's games and the Confederations Cup.
The "caxirola", Brazil's percussion answer to South Africa's plastic vuvuzela horn, will be banned at next month's Confederations Cup for security reasons, organisers said Monday.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Who at FIFA approved the caxirola?

We want names! Who are the FIFA employees that approved the caxirola as the official instrument of next FIFA world cup in Brazil? They must be blind or corrupted. And I can't see a third possibility. A normal employee would have never approved such a design, wouldn't he? The design of such a product should be about fun, peace and happiness and not look as a hand grenade.

As for Dilma Rousseff that officially endorsed the caxirola she is not blind so we let you guess....

Monday, May 20, 2013

caxirola + copa do mondo = caxiromafiaaaa!

The caxirola business mafia tries its best to block this website but it won't stop us to keep on posting.
The caxiromafiaaaaa!

caxirolas - 3 images of the day

Online images


Brasil caxirola 2014 !

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Fun maracas video

check the video :

Is it really possible to patent the caxirola design?

Who invented and designed the caxirola? Not so clear. Check at these images :

Thanks to all the contributors who sent us these images. Keep on! This blog is your online resource for all you need to know about the caxirolas (where to buy, design, price, ...)

who wants to become a billionaire - caxirola pricing

Caxirola retail price : 29,90 reals = USD 14.70 = EUR 11.50

Not bad for a product whose manufacturing cost is for sure much much less than USD0,50. It's just few  pieces of plastic with 3 small screws!

Caxirola vira mico - e Brown pode perder jogada bilionária

Protesto logo na estreia do instrumento inventado pelo cantor baiano ameaça tirar o objeto da Copa. Brown e seus sócios pretendiam vender 50 milhões de chocalhos de plástico a 29,90 reais cada - um negócio de quase R$ 1,5 bilhão

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Caxirola business

I hope you didn't imagine caxirola is just for fun! It's a business with high sales and profit expectations. Be ready to buy it online soon. And start to save money, the retail price doesn't come as a cheap merchandising product

Quantas peças serão produzidas para o mercado interno?
A estimativa é de 80 milhões de unidades caxirolas para atender a toda a demanda dos eventos esportivos programados para 2013 e 2014.

Monday, May 13, 2013

caxixi vs caxirola

Caxixi X caxirola: “A única diferença é que a caixirola pode ser usada para machucar”, diz Naná Vasconcelos

Maybe the main difference is that caxirola is designed to become a money machine for Brazilian politicians?

caxixi, ok, caxirola, não.

o preço estimado por cada CAXIROLA é de 30 reais. O lucro esperado por Brown e seus asseclas beira 1,5 bilhões de reais... sim... isto mesmo;  $$$$$$$$$$

bah! caxirolas! Dilma Rousseff!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dilma Rousseff and caxirola

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said that the caxirola was meant to do two things: “combine image with sound and make goals possible.”
The big liar, she forgot to mention that caxirola was meant to do one more things (the most important) : MONEY !

No official endorsement comes for free.....

Who wants to be a millionaire? Caxirola is very big busines
The idea is that they are manufactured 190 million units of product to the World Cup 2014. “I am convinced that the caxirola is not only compatible with football, but it is also a symbol of our country’s huge capacity to offer a much better instrument that the vuvuzela,” Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said this week.

Caxirola = Violence

With its design that looks like a mix of a hand grenade and brass knuckles it should come as a surprise that the caxirolas are not used as peaceful noise makers but as weapons. Violent design encourages violence!

Jornais: após incidente, caxirola pode ser vetada por Fifa e COL

El Comité Organizador Local y la FIFA analizan la autorización concedida para el uso del instrumento musical durante dichos encuentros luego de un incidente a finales de abril en que éste se usó como proyectil.

Caxirola : top 3 images of the day

And the next big question is : what will be the official instrument endorsed by the Brazilian President for the next Olympic Games 2016? Or may be our Brazilian politicans don't even care to create a new noise maker, they are already so rich and busy with the caxirolas business!

Images of the day :

Thanks to our contributors. Keep sending images.
And special message to the "caxirola mafia". You can keep on harassing and threatening our website it won't stop us posting. One day you will need to explain how you could get approval for such a design and how much money you spend to get so much politician endorsement!

Money, Money, Money. Caxirola is a rich man's world: Ah Ah !
Junte a granada com o soco-inglês. Depois acrescente doses generosas de folclorização do subdesenvolvimento disfarçada de Metafísica Afro-Americana Transcendental. Submeta o conjunto a uma empresa de marketing para ver no que é que dá. Eis que surge, então, a caxirola, um suposto instrumento supostamente inventado pela suposta genialidade de Carlinhos Brown. Ele patenteou o que não passa de uma variação do caxixi, aquele chocalho de palha que acompanha o berimbau. Privatizou o apetrecho dos “irmãos” e firmou um contrato com a multinacional The Marketing Store. Tudo para emprestar cor local à Copa do Mundo. A ideia era produzir 50 milhões de caxirolas, a R$ 29,90 cada. Isto mesmo: algo, assim, como R$ 1.490.000.000,00. 

Corruption , caxirolas, brazilian politicians, FIFA

"The local organizing committee and FIFA are reevaluating the authorization granted to the caxirola as an approved item"  < Whoaa!!! this may be a huge concern with so much money already spent in production, marketing and corruption !
If FIFA and Brazilian officials were less corrupted they would have check more carefully the design of the caxirolas : a mix of a hand-grenade and brass knuckles! Violent design brings violence ! If they had chosen a more peaceful design like the hand-clap maraca may be the organizers won't have so many troubles !

SAO PAULO - The days of the caxirola, Brazil's version of the vuvuzela, may be over even before the Confederations Cup begins in June.
FIFA and the local 2014 World Cup organizing committee said Friday they are reconsidering whether to allow fans to use the maraca-like instrument during the warm-up tournament. The decision came after police in northeastern Brazil banned the instruments from football stadiums because of security concerns.
It is the second World Cup in a row there has been a controversy involving local instruments used by fan. Throughout the 2010 event in South Africa there was debate about the use of vuvuzelas — plastic horns which created a din that drowned out all other crowd noise.
The caxirolas will not be allowed at the Arena Fonte Nova this weekend in the final of the Bahia state final because fans upset about their team's loss last month threw the green-and-yellow objects onto the pitch, forcing the match to be briefly interrupted.
"The local organizing committee and FIFA are reevaluating the authorization granted to the caxirola as an approved item" during the Confederations Cup, the committee said in a statement sent to The Associated Press.
It said they would announce the decision on whether to ban the instrument at a later date. FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke will be in Brazil next week to inspect some of the host cities for the World Cup and the Confederations Cup, the warm-up tournament among continental champions which begins June 15.
FIFA approved the caxirola as the official instrument of the 2014 World Cup, but there was widespread criticism after the objects were hurdled onto the pitch at the Arena Fonte Nova, prompting Brazil Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo to say that what happened was "not good news."
Rebelo, who is in charge of Brazil's preparation for the World Cup and the 2016 Rio Olympics, said he didn't think the caxirola would be a problem during the Confederations Cup and the World Cup, but Bahia state police decided it would be safer to keep the instruments off the stands this weekend.
"It was decided to include the caxirola in the list of banned items at the Arena Fonte Nova," the Bahia police said in a statement before Salvador city rivals Bahia and Vitoria play on Sunday.
The hand-sized caxirola, which costs about $15, produces a continuous rattling sound that is softer than the one produced by the much-criticized vuvuzelas.
It is based on the African instrument caxixi, which is played during the Capoeira, a popular afro-Brazilian martial art. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said the instrument would come in handy to "to celebrate the goals, to celebrate our athletes" at next year's World Cup.
But critics said the caxirola would produce an atmosphere that is not characteristic to football matches in Brazil, which are dominated by chants and percussion instruments. They also said the hissing sound produced by thousands of caxirolas shaken at the same time would create a nuisance like the vuvuzelas.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Not a surprise ! Police ban Brazilian vuvuzela

When a noise make design looks like a mix of a hand-greande and brasse knuckles, it shouldn't come as a surprise that violent supporters and hooligans will use it as a weapon!
Vuvuzela was banned from stadium because it was too noisy for TV but caxirola is banned from stadium because it is dangerous!

Congrats again to all corrupted politicians and FIFA officials for endorsing such a product! You were so much concerned by money that you didn't look seriously at the design of caxirola before to approve it!

Police in northeastern Brazil have banned Brazil's version of the vuvuzela from football stadiums because of security concerns.
The caxirola, a maraca-like instrument, will not be allowed at the Arena Fonte Nova this weekend because fans upset about their team's loss last month threw the green-and-yellow objects onto the pitch, forcing the match to be briefly interrupted.
Recognised by Fifa as the official instrument of the 2014 World Cup, the caxirola is still expected to be used during the Confederations Cup in June. But local police decided it was safer to prohibit the instrument from the final of the local Bahia state tournament.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pictures of caxirola - top 5 of the day

Caxirola image - ranking 1:
Caxirola image - ranking 2:

Caxirola image - ranking 3:

Caxirola image - ranking 4:

Caxirola image - ranking 5:

And the best of the best for today :

Thanks again to all our contributors for these great images of the caxirola. Official instrument of the FIFA football world cup the caxirola is endorsed by the Brazilian President and may well be the "next vuvuzela" sensation. 
Caxirola is also known (secret) as the new cash machine of the brazilian politicians!
Viva Footbal, Viva Brazil, Viva Corruption